We can make the treatment homogenous
and compliant to the protocol.
EqualEstro has worked with over 200 centers over the years.
We have used our experiences to make the QA procedure smooth and effective. From the first protocol formulations to the last data delivery we provide a comprehensive package to cover the whole process of quality assurance in radiation therapy. We can save time and cost by recommending centers with the right recruitment potential and quality standards for inclusion in clinical trials. We review the treatment plan of each patient filtering out major deviations before the treatment begins and check that the treatment has been delivered as planned.
Quality Assurance
We offer:
Advice on protocol requirements for radiation
Advice on eligible centers for collaboration.
A qualifying procedure for centers where they demonstrate knowledge of the protocol, adequate equipment and ability to deliver high quality radiation therapy.
A patient review procedure where protocol deviations are filtered out and a final report for each patient assembled.
Basic training for your CRAs in radiation therapy and quality assurance.
Saving Time, Saving Cost
Working with prequalified centers shortens
start up time for the trial.
Faster recruitment by choosing centers
with favourable recruitment potential.
Fewer patients are needed for sufficient power,
if the trial is quality assured.
EqualEstro’s training and support makes
the QA process effective.
Reliable data can be presented
to regulatory bodies.